
Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a disease where the soft tissues in the throat, including the tongue, collapse and are sucked against the back of the throat. This blocks the upper airway and air flow stops or decrease. When the oxygen level in the brain becomes low enough, the sleeper is partially awaken. The obstruction in the throat clears and the flow of air starts again, usually with a gasp. Most people are not aware this is occurring. Its main aspects are: systemic hypertension, cardiovascular disease and stroke.

Factors that have an effect on Obstructive Sleep Apnea are age, sex, genes, menopause, body weight (strongest risk factor) and, with less importance, alcohol intake and smoking. Based on research studies in Germany the daytime sleepiness is approximately 3-7 % for adult men and 2-5% for adult women.

Apnea is defined as the complete cessation of air flow of at least 10 seconds and is divided into two, obstructive and central.

Hypopnea is defined as the reduction in air flow that is followed by an arousal from sleep or a decrease in oxyhemoglobin saturation.

We will study in this essay the hormonal aspects of OSA and see how hormones can affect or be affected by OSA

Hormones of hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis


General information:

Relation between Level of testosterone and Obstructive sleep apnea

Physiological aspects associated with low level of testosterone

Mechanism decreasing testosterone level


GH levels and obstructive sleep apnea relations:

GH levels and replacement therapy:

Effect of decreased GH level:



Other hormones

Leptin and Ghrelin hormones and OSA

General introduction

Relation of those hormones with OSA

Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) Treatment

Effects of insulin on obstructive sleep apnea

General information:

Relation between insulin and Obstructive Sleep apnea:

How to treat Obstructive sleep apnea associated with insulin resistance:


Insulin has also an indirect effect on OSA by acting on GH synthesis.