Role of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPAR) in the regulation of food-intake regulating hypothalamic (AgRP, POMC) cells

Figure 1. Arcuate Nucleus (ARC/ARH) shown in a coronal section from Allen Brain Reference Atlas. Nickel stain is shown on half of the brain for general contrast. Detail to show hypothalamic arcuate nucleus position (ARH) schematically. Specific AgRP and POMC protein staining shown.
Figure 1. Arcuate Nucleus (ARC/ARH) shown in coronal section from Allen Brain Reference Atlas. Nickel stain is shown on half of
brain for general contrast. Detail to show hypothalamic arcuate nucleus position (ARH) schematically. Specific AgRP and POMC
protein staining shown.

Figure 2. Central metabolic circuitry and ARC neurons in melanocortin system. A detail in color shows a detail of ARC connection to PVN. Blue arrow tips show ghrelin positive or negative effect on ARC neurons; orange arrow tips show leptin positive or negative effect on ARC neurons. nTS: nucleus tractus solitarius. PYY: peptide YY.
Figure 2. Central metabolic circuitry and ARC neurons in melanocortin system.
Detail in color shows a detail of ARC connection to PVN. Blue arrow tips show ghrelin
positive or negative effect on ARC neurons; orange arrow tips show leptin positive or
negative effect on ARC neurons. nTS: nucleus tractus solitarius. PYY: peptide YY.


Functional structure of PPARγ

Figure 3.PPAR and RXR structure. PPARγ is shown in green, RXRα shown in turquoise blue. Ligands are shown in expanded white spherical structures binding internally to PPARγ and RXRα.
Figure 3. PPAR and RXR structure. PPARγ
shown in green, RXRα shown in turquoise
blue. Ligands are shown in expanded white
spherical structures binding internally to
PPARγ and RXRα.

Figure 4. Mechanisms of transcriptional regulation by PPARs. A: direct transactivation. B: direct repression. C: ligand-dependent trans-repression; after ligand binding PPAR can interfere with the activity of transcription factors, such as NF-κD. D: ligand independent transrepression; unliganded PPAR can bind and sequester transcription factors, such as BCL-6. E: alteration of lipid homeostasis affecting gene regulation(activation or repression) through unrelated transcription factors.
Figure 4. Mechanisms of transcriptional regulation by PPARs. A: direct transactivation. B: direct repression.
C: ligand-dependent trans-repression; after ligand binding PPAR can interfere with the activity of
transcription factors, such as NF-κD. D: ligand independent transrepression; unliganded PPAR can bind
and sequester transcription factors, such as BCL-6. E: alteration of lipid homeostasis affecting gene
regulation (activation or repression) through unrelated transcription factors.

PPARγ mechanism of action in food intake and energy metabolism

Background of ROS role in ARC energy metabolism and food intake

PPARγ activity in inflammatory processes

PPARγ crosstalk with Vitamin D Receptor system

Figure 5. The balance of disease and health in vitamin D/VDR system and PPARγ system crosstalk. Blue arrows: positive effects. Red arrows: harmful effects. Light blue arrow: PPARγ system influence on vitamin D system, orange arrow: vitamin D influence on PPARγ system. Arrow width proportional to strength and consistency of association. Continuous line: in vitro/ in vivo evidence demonstrated effects. Dashed line: hypothetical effects. Orange colored numbers are processes attributed to vitamin D system. Light blue colored numbers are processes attributed to PPARγ system.
Figure 5. Balance of disease and health in vitamin D/VDR system and PPARγ system crosstalk. Blue
arrows: positive effects. Red arrows: harmful effects. Light blue arrow: PPARγ system influence on
vitamin D system, orange arrow: vitamin D influence on PPARγ system. Arrow width proportional to
strength and consistency of association. Continuous line: in vitro/ in vivo evidence demonstrated effects.
Dashed line: hypothetical effects. Orange colored numbers are processes attributed to vitamin D system.
Light blue colored numbers are processes attributed to PPARγ system.



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Figure 1: Composite image assembled in accordance with Allen Institute for Brain Science Citation Policy. Image credit: Allen Institute.

Figure 2: Drawing by Marcello, G. M.; Adapted from Broberger et al 2005 Fig.1. Broberger, C. (2005): Brain regulation of food intake and appetite: molecules and networks. Journal of Internal Medicine 258: 301-327.

Figure 3: Wikimedia Commons. Uploaded to PDB with free access, with permission of the authors; Chandra, V.; Huang, P.; Hamuro, Y.; Raghuram, S.; Wang, Y.; Burris, T. P.; Rastinejad, F. (2008): Structure of the intact PPAR-γ--RXR-α nuclear receptor complex on DNA. Nature 456: (7220) 350-356.

Figure 4: Drawing by Marcello, G. M.; Adapted from Varga et al 2011 Fig. 2. Varga, T.; Czimmerer, Z.; Nagy, L. (2011): PPARs are a unique set of fatty acid regulated transcription factors controlling both lipid metabolism and inflammation. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1812: 1007-1022.

Figure 5: Drawing by Marcello, G. M.; Adapted from Merchan et al 2016 Figure 2. Merchan, B. B.; Tinahones, F. J.; Macias-Gonzalez, M. (2016): Commonalities in the association between PPARG and Vitamin D Related with Obesity and Carcinogenesis. PPAR Research 2016: Article ID 2308249, 15 pages.

PPARFoodintake (last edited 2018-05-11 21:47:39 by 3342E)